
The Scottish Fold cat occurred as a spontaneous mutation in farm cats in Scotland. The breed has been established by crosses to British Shorthair and domestic cats in Scotland and England. In America, the outcross is the American and British Shorthair. All bona fide Scottish Fold cats trace their pedigree to Susie.
  Scottish straight cat has all chances to become your favorite home pet. It is caused by their great temperament. If you are not a breeder or a felinologist, it might be difficult for you to differ this breed from British shorthair cat, for example. It can be proved even by the fact that Scottish had been registered as British until 2005! So, since 2005 the breed has its own standard and have a right to take part in the competitions and exhibitions.



Date of birth: 2 years 5 months 2 weeks ago

Супер-Маркус, 4 апреля 2022

Апрельская четвёрка

Date of birth: 2 years 5 months 2 weeks ago

1 прямоухая девочка и 3 мальчика.

"Лисёнок" больше всех любит поесть.

Пушистый танк очень застенчивый, но отважный.

Девочка любит сама укромно себе отдыхать на диване.



Date of birth: 6 years 1 week 4 days ago

Lucky - full name

Pedigree issued by cats' club "Stella"


Date of birth: 5 years 1 month 2 weeks ago

Леопольд - полное имя

отважный и игривый кот, но, вместе с тем, вполне себе трусливый; на улице прижимается к земле

White Spot

Date of birth: 5 years 5 months 2 weeks ago

